I want to raise your attention to the fastest rising least diagnosed disease… Osteoporosis! Usually, this isn’t a worry until older age, but now it’s being diagnosed younger and younger… but why?
Calcium Crisis: How the American Diet Contributes to Early Osteoporosis
Let’s start with diet! 97% of Americans don’t eat a balanced diet, let alone adapt their eating style to the ever-changing demands of the body.
“The average American diet provides about 450 mg of calcium per day, which is well below the RDA.”
Acidic Foods and Bone Health: What You Need to Know
On top of the average American diet lacking adequate amounts of calcium, it’s more than likely destroying it as well. Foods such as soda (including energy drinks), coffee, white flour, and alcohol, for example, are all highly acidic and deteriorate bone.
Contrary to what many believe, bone is alive, like that of a coral reef, and it’s very sensitive to its environment.

Alkaline Diet: A Natural Solution to Combat Osteoporosis
By eating a more alkaline-based diet, less calcium will be leached from the bone. How do you eat an alkaline diet? For starters, avoid processed foods and soft drinks, and try to eat whole foods.
The key emphasis here should be eating a balanced diet. Eating patterns that eliminate certain foods or suggest an excessive amount of another will often leave you imbalanced and depleted in certain areas. Just remember “Yin & Yang.”
The Mediterranean diet is one that I often recommend because it’s so well-balanced, and it not only provides benefits for the cardiovascular system but also contains foods that are rich in calcium.
Milk and Osteoporosis: Debunking the Calcium Myth
I know what you might be thinking… “I drink milk, I get enough calcium” …. THINK AGAIN! Not only shouldn’t you be drinking milk, but processed milk actually depletes your levels of calcium because it’s acidic. You need to consume plant-based natural sources of calcium for optimal absorption. Broccoli, Lentils, and Almonds are all examples of plant-based alkaline foods that will boost your levels of calcium.

Forever Chemicals' Impact on Young Bones: A Hidden Epidemic
If acidic foods weren’t enough to scare you, what about the effects of “forever chemicals” on your bones? Most of us generally accept that chemicals in our food & water aren’t safe, and it’s for good reason. According to new research from the University of Southern California, exposure to forever chemicals is significantly affecting bone health in adolescents and young adults. The researchers explain that a lower bone mineral density puts a person at risk for brittle bones and other bone diseases.
Polyfluoroalkyl and perfluoroalkyl substances (abbreviated as PFAS) are the culprits here, and they’re widespread among an array of products, such as nonstick cookware, microwave popcorn bags, and pesticides, to name a few. Acid… chemicals… seem like some kind of science project, doesn’t it? Sadly no. This is just the current state of our food supply, and unless you source your food as naturally as possible, you will be exposed to some level of contaminants.
Use It or Lose It: The Critical Role of Exercise in Preventing Osteoporosis
One last contributing factor to osteoporosis is exercise… or lack thereof. In 1996 1 in 4 people were considered inactive… what do you think it is now!? A sedentary lifestyle significantly affects osteoporosis with the concept of “use it or lose it.” The bone must be stressed with external load in order to signal the body to make it stronger, whether that’s a tennis racket swinging against a ball, curling a barbell, or bringing a load of laundry up and down the stairs. Walking and being active is NOT enough.

Osteoporosis: Preventable and Curable with the Right Lifestyle Choices
On the bright side, osteoporosis is completely preventable and curable. By eating a balanced diet and incorporating resistance training into your routine, brittle bones will be a thing of the past. While you make adjustments to your diet and lifestyle, I recommend that you supplement with Vitamin D and Calcium to make sure your body is receiving the key nutrients it needs to foster healthy bone growth. If you’d like to order, simply click the links below.
If you have any concerns about your calcium intake or bone health, I encourage you to make mention at your next appointment. Together, we can assess your individual needs and develop a personalized plan to promote and safeguard your bone health.
Wishing you continued health and well-being.