Electrical stimulation or electro-acupuncture applies a pulsating electrical current to the body via acupuncture needles or without needles to safely treat many health conditions. However, no current is actually transmitted through the body. Instead, there is only enough stimulation for the patient to feel a slight pulsating sensation. Additionally, electrical stimulation is much more effective than a standard TENS unit, which does not get into the belly of the muscle or acupuncture channels.
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Call (631) 828-4976 and speak to one of our Port Jefferson electrical stimulation specialists today.
Disclaimer: Electro-acupuncture is contraindicated for patients who are pregnant, experience seizures or have a history of heart disease, strokes, or epilepsy. Patients with pacemakers should not receive electro-acupuncture. The procedure is not to be performed on a patient’s throat or head, nor should it be done directly over the heart.