Scalp Acupuncture, also known as neuro acupuncture, is a treatment based on traditional acupuncture and neurology knowledge. This treatment is done by inserting acupuncture needles into the loose areolar tissue layer of the scalp to stimulate the brain neurons of the underlying area. The scalp acupuncture process is three-fold:
Since the skull protects the brain and there are no organs in the scalp to injure, it is a very safe treatment. The best results are achieved when scalp acupuncture is conducted as soon as possible after the incident occurs or harm is discovered.
Meditation is Key to Centering Yourself to the Earth
Speak to one of our scalp acupuncture specialists to schedule an appointment at our Port Jefferson Station location today.
*Wu Wei Wellness Center accepts major insurance carriers including, but not limited to, Blue Cross Blue Shield, NYSHIP, and Aetna on an out-of-network basis. While we do not have direct contracts with these companies, we often work with patients whose plans offer strong out-of-network coverage, making our care more affordable. Please note that coverage varies by plan, and we encourage you to check with your insurance provider to understand your benefits.
Unsure of what your coverage is? Complete an intake form by clicking here and our billing company will happily verify your benefits and then a member of our team will follow up within 24-72 business hours to personally let you know what your coverage is.
Know you don’t have coverage? Check out our Concierge Medicine Packages.