One of the world’s leading allergy desensitization methods, A/SERT, is a safe non-invasive technique to reduce sensitivities to common allergens. A/SERT is based on the idea that all objects have an electromagnetic resonance, and we can become sensitive to particular frequencies, otherwise known as an “allergy.” By stimulating critical points along the acupuncture meridians with a low-level laser, we’re able to insert the “contra-frequency” into your body and desensitize you to thousands of allergens in a mere matter of minutes.
Instead of avoiding foods you were previously allergic to, you can now interact with them freely and live your life without restriction. To gain complete desensitivity, we advise completing the full treatment of 13 appointments.
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Call (631) 828-4976 and speak to one of our allergy desensitization specialists at our Port Jefferson Station location today.