

Begin your journey to a healthier way of life.

At Wu Wei, we understand that for many people, the traditional 15-minute office visit is not enough time to communicate their medical needs, explore all treatment options, and choose the right treatments to accomplish their goals.

To better understand our patients and treat their needs holistically, Wu Wei Wellness uses a different approach:

Concierge Medicine

What is Concierge Medicine?

Concierge Medicine patients set up a monthly retainer with their medical provider to ensure they have enough time to communicate with their provider and receive all of the treatments they need to address all of the health concerns they face.


Benefits of Concierge Medicine

  • More time with your medical provider and improved communication

  • A dedicated phone line direct to your medical provider

  • Your medical staff is always ready and willing to answer questions

  • Next to no wait times to see your medical provider

  • A more thoughtful, holistic approach to your health that balances your mind, body, and spirit

How Does Concierge Medicine Work?

Our consultation process begins by sitting down with you to understand your unique health goals. Then our wellness experts present a wide variety of modern and ancient health techniques that may help you meet those goals.

From there, we work together to create a custom holistic health program that is 100% about you and allows you to mix and match any of the following services:

  • Acupuncture & Related Treatments

  • Sports Rehab Services

  • Wellness Classes

  • Massage Therapy Services

  • Laser & Detox Therapy

  • Herbal Therapy & Nutrition

  • Aromatherapy Services

After your consultation, you’ll walk away with a custom, expert-backed, step-by-step plan for you to achieve a healthier way of life.

Imagine a healthcare program that revolves around you.

No diagnosis codes.

No policies & procedure.

No time constraints.

Just 100% about you and keeping you well.

At Wu Wei Wellness we have several programs available that include balancing the mind, body, & spirit.

Ready to schedule a Concierge Medicine consultation?

Call (631) 828-4976 to speak with one of our wellness experts today.

Disclaimer: Concierge Medicine is not covered by insurance