Acupuncture is an all-natural, non-invasive, safe, and effective medicine developed thousands of years ago in China to treat many mental and physical ailments. It is now used throughout the modern world and is a great alternative when compared to the use of pharmaceuticals that have proven side effects and merely mask the source of the problem.
By gently inserting needles in specific meridian points, acupuncture treats all of the below conditions by removing blockages in the body, similar to unkinking a kinked hose. And at Wu Wei, we do not believe in making our patients into pin cushions either. Instead, we believe that less is more and can provide our patients great relief without using many needles.
Meditation is Key to Centering Yourself to the Earth
Call (631) 828-4976 and speak to one of our acupuncture specialists to set an appointment at our Port Jefferson Station location today.
In addition to all of the above benefits, acupuncture can also have positive, anti-aging effects on your skin.
Acupuncture creates microscopic wounds, known as “positive micro-trauma.” These wounds stimulate your lymphatic and circular systems, which produce bright, vibrant, anti-aging results in your skin without the use of invasive anti-aging techniques. This treatment slows and even reverses common skin conditions, including:
Disclaimer:Â At Wu Wei, we do not recommend anyone go off of their prescription medications. We only suggest that those in need consult their doctor about other options such as acupuncture if they feel the urge to do so.
*Wu Wei Wellness Center accepts major insurance carriers including, but not limited to, Blue Cross Blue Shield, NYSHIP, and Aetna on an out-of-network basis. While we do not have direct contracts with these companies, we often work with patients whose plans offer strong out-of-network coverage, making our care more affordable. Please note that coverage varies by plan, and we encourage you to check with your insurance provider to understand your benefits.
Unsure of what your coverage is? Complete an intake form by clicking here and our billing company will happily verify your benefits and then a member of our team will follow up within 24-72 business hours to personally let you know what your coverage is.
Know you don’t have coverage? Check out our Concierge Medicine Packages.